Funny story about this fabric. I showed my boyfriend a bunch of different fabrics I thought would be cool to use for curtains. This happened to be the one my boyfriend liked the most the Dwell Studio Bella Porte Citrine for Robert Allen @ Home. But, it was about $16/yd, so we were going to hold off on buying it. That day, my boyfriend and I decided to go to Hancock Fabric to look for faux fur for a rug. When we got there, we couldn't find what we wanted, but while we were browsing the remnant fabrics table we found a small section of this fabric, for FOUR DOLLARS A YARD! Can you believe it?! After a bit of digging, we found two more even larger sections. The way the pieces were cut we had to retrofit it to the curtains, but in the end they looked fantastic!
Later, Jess
This is wonderful!!!